A Connecticut-based digital creator and jewelry designer, Olayinka started Yours Truly Yinka as a creative outlet to document her journey as an African-American millenial. Her blog is an expression of her thoughts, inspirations, and love for fashion, beauty, supply chain management, and entrepreneurship. In 2015, she decided to start her blog and has not looked back since.
A native of Hartford, Connecticut, Olayinka spent her teenage years in Baltimore, Maryland, and went to Howard University in Washington, DC. After graduating with a BS in Supply Chain Management, she moved back to Connecticut. When Olayinka is not working on her blog or designing pieces of jewelry for her lines YINKA ORISAN and AKEYNO, she works full-time as a Supply Chain Management professional. You can learn 26 random things about her here.
You’ll usually find Olayinka hanging with her husband Tunji, her best friends, or with her family in Maryland. She created Yours Truly Yinka to become the home for all her multi-faceted projects and ideas. You’ll find new posts on the blog every week. I also post on my new YouTube channel every Sunday.