Some people say that people either have the entrepreneurial spirit or they don’t. I don’t believe that to be true, but I do know that if you have a passion or a problem you want to solve, starting your own business and working hard and smart pays off. If you are new to my blog (welcome) then you might not know that along with this blog, I own a jewelry line, a skincare line and I do hair on the side. I’ve been an entrepreneur for a while now and I thought I’d share a few lessons I’ve learned along the way. Here are a few realities of running your own business.

  1. It can be unbelievably lonely.
  2. You have to always be your own biggest cheerleader.
  3. You will deal with a lot of stress and mental pressure that come with being the “decision-maker” or “last line of defense”.
  4. You will have to work and make many sacrifices. That will include some leisure time like happy hour, vacations, binge-watching for 4hrs+
  5. You will need to have the internal strength and mindset to deal with the judgment that others on you and your decisions
  6. It’s the road less traveled. As mainstream and glamours as social media makes it seems, it’s not an option many people even consider.
  7. Take the good with the bad. Owning a business is like being on a rollercoaster ride – there are highs, lows, and unexpected turns. With the challenges, dealing with them and knowing they are temporary helps you get you past them.

I hope you guys found these lessons helpful in your career or entrepreneurial journey. Let me know anything that you stand by in the comments below!

xo Yinka

Photography: Norman Oates

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