Whether you just started your blog or have been blogging for a while, it can be easy to lose motivation or just feel like you aren’t progressing with your blog. Unless you are already a celebrity or social media influencer, it can require a lot of patience to blog for a while before it starts to pay off. I want to share how I stay motivated with my blog up until now. I hope these tips help!

  1. Remember WHY you started  – When people ask me how to start a blog, the first piece of advice I give is to pick one or two topics that you absolutely love to talk or write about. If you find yourself starting to feel unmotivated, sometimes all you need to do is sit back and
  2. Appreciate the small wins – Becoming a successful blogger is a marathon and not a sprint. Take time to look at your analytics and see how far you’ve grown from where you started. When you get collaboration or brand partnership opportunities, don’t forget to celebrate them as well!
  3. Don’t compare yourself to other bloggers – One of my favorite quotes is that “Comparison is the thief of joy” and it’s so true. While scrolling on instagram, it’s very easy to get stuck in a rabbit hole of looking at other people and starting to get in your own head. Remember instagram is a highlight reel, and we don’t know the good, bad and ugly that’s going on in real life at any given moment. Keep in mind that everyone’s journey as a blogger or influencer is unique and different. Try your best to focus on your goals and being better than you were the previous day.
  4. Don’t start blogging because of money – Focus on your content and how you can serve your audience, which is why my first point is so important. You can never predict when you will start to get paid for blogging opportunities. For me, it wasn’t until 2 and a half years of blogging, that I was paid for my first brand campaign. Prior to that, I was gifted items and I also purchased things from brands I love to create my own campaigns to get their attention. It’s important to actually love and enjoy what you’re doing so that even when the brand deals slow down, you can easily keep sharing your passions with your audience.
  5. Push through – I truly believe that consistency is key! I’ll admit that there are times when I feel down and unmotivated, but then I remember how much I love blogging and begin to read messages people have sent me of how I have helped or inspired them. That alone gives me the push I need to continue sharing my passions, one post at a time.


xo Yinka

Photos: Norman Oates

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  1. These tips are so helpful! I try to practice these same things when I’m feeling unmotivated. Sometimes it’s as simple as taking a break from social media and doing things that make you happy. I get a lot of inspo just from reading one of my favorite magazines while drinking my favorite coffee. Of spending time with my son outside. It’s really about taking a break and then focusing on your purpose for the blog. That way you can come back totally refreshed and renewed.

  2. Indrani says:

    That 4th point is so true. Staring a blog to earn money is not impossible but if that is the only reason then it can be difficult.

  3. Thank you really needed this! It is so common for me to compare myself to others but yes I should start looking at how far I have come… loved it xoxo Also, I love your style

  4. Marcie says:

    It’s so hard not to compare! Especially with people in your niche. But, it’s more important to just do your thing.

  5. haha, true to blogging and ultimately, life, dontcha think?

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