As we all know, we are living through tough times of uncertainty. Dealing with the Coronavirus has been surreal, to say the least. If you’re like the majority of us in North America, you may be spending a lot more time indoors and practicing social distancing.

Social distancing, n. – “The practice of maintaining a greater than usual physical distance from other people”

Whether you are working from home, have extra time at home or continuing your education, it’s important to stay organized and productive. And it’s only a matter of time before boredom, restlessness, procrastination and cabin fever sets in.

So for today’s post, I want to share some practical ways you can stay productive and make progress as some of us self-quarantine and practice social distancing.

  1. Start the mornings moving your body
  2. Have a designated workspace or study area in your home to help you build a routine
  3. Try using a planner to map out blocks of your day the night before, this way you already have an idea of what you want to accomplish
  4. Keep work or study time separate from home/personal time
  5. Stay focused on the task at hand and avoid being distracted
  6. Take screen breaks, even better if you physically walk away for some time
  7. Meal prep and plan what you want to eat for meals and snack during the week
  8. Stay connected with online communities
  9. Make time for self-care (baths, your favorite show, masks, exercise, etc.)
  10. Try meditating for a few minutes daily to keep you centered – you can use apps or YouTube videos to a guide you

I hope you find these tips helpful during this time.

Stay safe everyone.

xo Yinka

Photography: Norman Oates

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  1. Larose says:

    Thanks for sharing! I definitely needed this!

    1. Yinka says:

      I’m glad you found this helpful

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