Some say that maturity comes with age, but I truly believe that maturity comes with life experiences. Today I want to share w few signs that you can observe in your life or those around you to know that they are maturing.

  1. You forgive more.
  2. You don’t force friendships or love.
  3. Most times, you prefer to be silent than to engage in a arguments or altercations.
  4. You are slow to judge.
  5. Your happiness doesn’t depend on people, but on your inner self.

What are signs you notice that show maturity? Let me know in the comments below.

xo Yinka

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  1. Yasss! This is so good! I had to grow up fast and notice these qualities more and more through life experiences not age! Love this so much!

  2. Chloe says:

    Yasss! 100% agree!!! i find as I mature, I don’t want to waste my breath or time on people or things that don’t matter. Love this article 🙂

  3. Being able to forgive more and be slow to judge are huge signs of growing in maturity. Good thoughts here.

  4. These are all spot on! I think forgiveness & the ability to get rid of negativity is a huge sign of maturity!

    -Madi xo | http://www.everydaywithmadirae.com

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