Starting your own business can be exciting. Not only are you giving yourself a chance to increase your income, but you’re also experiencing true independence when you become your own boss. Starting a business can be as simple as filing the paperwork, but most importantly you need to have an idea of what you’re going to be doing. If you want to start a business, but don’t know what to do, I hope this posts helps.

What makes you happy?

It makes sense to work in a field that you enjoy. If you love what you do, you’ll enjoy going to work every day. Isn’t that one of the major points of owning a business? Look at all of the things you love doing, and see if there is a way to monetize or find an opportunity in the field you’re already in.

If you like dogs, perhaps you can open a dog grooming parlor or a pet store. If you enjoy working out, a gym or nutrition store might be the right opportunity for you. If you love inventing and technology, perhaps a tech firm is the right way to go.

Sort out what makes you happy, and list different ways you can make money doing them. You’ll probably find at least one idea that sparks your interest through this process.

What do you hate the most?

Things you don’t like can also be a big source of inspiration. Has something in your life bothered you? Perhaps something that you’re itching to fix? Maybe you hate the way plastic is being dumped into the oceans, or how toothpaste tastes. Coming up with a solution for these things can be a great way to resolve the things that annoy you, and chances are lots of other people too. Sometimes solving a problem can be more satisfying than pursuing a passion, if it is one that annoys you enough.

Even if the problem is something you see happening far down the road, it’s an idea worth writing down. Many great businessmen are famous because they looked to the future when they first started their businesses.

Mind still blank? Start writing down ideas anyway.

If you can’t come up with any good ideas based on problems you want to fix or passions you’d like to pursue, just write down business ideas anyway. If you keep trying to spark your imagination, eventually something will come of it.

You might write down “tech firm” and feel nothing, but then realize as you’re writing it that making handy apps for phones might be worth doing. Even if you’re not passionate about the ideas you first come up with, they may still lead to a useful idea.

Don’t give up on your big dream of owning a business if it’s hard to come up with an idea initially. Owning a business in itself is an adventure, and the freedom that comes with it can be exciting and rewarding all on its own. Keep trying, and eventually you will find an idea that works for you and your future business.

xo Yinka

Photography: Norman Oates

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  1. Riley says:

    This was extremely helpful!! Tha for sharing

  2. Mike says:

    This was so realistic and straight forward! Thanks

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